update wp_posts set post_content = replace(post_content,'spacebot.ltd','spacebot.app');
PRIZM - logo
Minter Network - logo
Minter Network
BitTeamToken - logo
Decimal - logo
PRIZM - logo
Minter Network - logo
Minter Network
BitTeamToken - logo
Decimal - logo
PRIZM - icon

PRIZM (PZM) — is a fully decentralized and self-regulatory cryptocurrency.

This is a new implementation of digital currency concept that enables any user to store funds easily and securely as well as to make direct transactions similar to paying with cash.

The coin was designed in order to create a new approach for developing reliable financial relations: this means fair distribution of funds AMONG PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD and solving one of the urgent problems – gradual centring of cryptocurrencies.

BLOCKCHAIN PRIZM was launched on 17th February, 2017.
Currently the coin exists for over 3 years, and it is gaining large popularity on exchange platforms and among crypto enthusiasts.

The system has certain transaction fee that is directed for P2P protection of the network from DDoS hacking attacks (denial of service).

The fee comprises 0.5% but no more than 10 PRIZM.

The conception of the crypto implies two-factor mechanism of coin generating: forging and mining via current account balance.

The security system involves forging built on modern and energy-effective ECO-technologies for crypto.

This is why the innovative POS technology is extremely popular. PRIZM mining does not require expensive equipment as all you need is your smartphone or a computer with INTERNET connection.

You can learn more information about the coin`s concept and the project`s goals on the official website in the company`s White Paper

Minter Network - icon
Minter Network

BIP – is a new prospective cryptocurrency

BIP crypto is the basic coin of Minter blockchain. BIP abbreviation comes from English Blockchain Instant Payments.

Both Minter platform and BIP crypto were designed by DeCenter — largest crypto community in Russia.

According to the information published on the official website, the development team comprises 20 people. The project leader and inspirer is Gordeyev Evgeniy Valerianovich.

The main purpose of the project is to create a user-friendly blockchain that would enable to issue coins, send them or instantly exchange them among themselves or for other cryptos (Bitcoin, Ethereum), or even for fiat currencies.

BIP is often called the payment system of the new generation, and for good reason.
It is already surpassing modern payment systems in many respects.

Transaction processing takes only 5 seconds, and the fees are close to zero.
The blockchain bandwidth looks impressive: currently Minter can process over 200 transactions per second, and in future developers aim to improve the network

You can find detailed information concerning Minter blockchain and BTT coin on the official website in the project`s White Paper. https://about.minter.network/Minter_White_Paper_Russian.pdf

BitTeamToken - icon

ВТТ – is an internal cryptocurrency of BIT.TEAM
platform (tokens).

token enables users to pay for
BIT.TEAM, services including fees for transactions made on the platform.

For example, users can pay up to 50% of fees with BIT.TEAM
tokens while processing a transaction on BIT.TEAM.

BTT tokens were designed on the basis of independent and original Minter algorithm.

Developers have foreseen token mining within Minter system.

Where and how to buy BTT token?
It`s simple!

You can buy tokens

  • – from other BIT.TEAM ecosystem participants
  • – on partnership platforms
  • – directly in Minter`s system.

Purchasing BTT tokens provides clients with the opportunity to use all BIT.TEAM services:

  • – buying/selling cryptos
  • – market place: buying/selling any goods and services for crypto
  • – mining

BTT tokens are gaining momentum and strengthening its positions in crypto community.

You can find more information on the official website

Decimal - icon

DEL — the basic coin on Decimal blockchain.

With DEL, you can make international transfers without intermediaries and high fees. Buy tickets for the desired amount of DEL and send them to the recipient anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. DEL crosses borders in just 6 seconds.

DEL can be bonded (passed) to the validator. Then the validator’s share of tokens will increase, and he will get higher reward. Remuneration is distributed among the owners of delegated tokens, in proportion to their contribution. The validator does not get an access to delegated coins, they are simply blocked on the delegate’s account and can be revoked at any time.

Accept payment for goods and services in DEL. It is too costly to arrange payment in the traditional way, and DEL is widely used in the crypto community and is available for purchase onexchanges. Customers are billed via an off-chain application that is available for all Decimal users.

More information about the Decimal blockchain and the DEL coin can be found on the official website in the company`s White Paper